Creating Virtual Machine with Hyper-V

Building Development Environment

After completing the preparation of the environment installation, I need a virtual machine to start development. I prefer to use Powershell instead of clicking many buttons.


To reach the Internet or communicate with the host and other virtual machines, the network settings should be done first.

PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $natSwitch     = "NATSwitch"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $natIPAddress  = ""
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $natAddress    = ""
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> New-VMSwitch -SwitchName $natSwitch -SwitchType Internal
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $natIPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($natSwitch)"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> New-NetNAT -Name $natSwitch -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $natAddress

With the above commands, the virtual switch would be created. I selected the IP range but it can be changed with wants and needs.

Creating Virtual Machine

PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $natSwitch = "NATSwitch"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $vmName = "fth-dev"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $workspacePath = "C:\\workspace\\machine\\"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $ramSize  = 8GB 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $diskSize = 50GB
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> New-VHD -Path "$workspacePath\\$vmName\\$vmName.vhdx" -SizeBytes $diskSize -Fixed -BlockSizeBytes 1MB
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> New-VM -Name $vmName -MemoryStartupBytes $ramSize -BootDevice VHD -VHDPath "$workspacePath\\$vmName\\$vmName.vhdx" -Path "$workspacePath" -Generation 2 -Switch $natSwitch
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Set-VMFirmware $vmName -EnableSecureBoot Off
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Set-VMProcessor -VMName $vmName -Count 2
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Set-VM -Name $vmName -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false -CheckpointType Disabled
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Set-VMMemory -VMName $vmName -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MinimumBytes ($ramSize / 16) -StartupBytes ($ramSize / 8) -MaximumBytes $ramSize
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $vmName -Path "C:\\workspace\\iso\\linuxmint-21.2-xfce-64bit.iso"
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> 
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $dvd = Get-VMDVDDrive -VMName $vmName
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vmName -FirstBootDevice $dvd
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> Start-VM -Name $vmName

With the above commands, the virtual disk will be created. Then, the virtual machine will be arranged, and finally, the machine is started.

🔥 By changing the parameter, the different virtual machines can be created. On the other hand, those virtual machines are the base and empty machines. Don't forget to set its network settings manually.

If the below command is applied, the host machine will connect to the guest machine.

PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> $computer = hostname
PS C:\Users\Fatih Tatoğlu> vmconnect.exe $computer $vmName

Virtual Machine Setting

I learned by experience with the different scenarios the network setting of the virtual machine may be tricky. In my environment, the DNS must be assigned the same as the host's gateway IP address. For example, if the host's gateway IP address is The virtual machine's DNS IP address must be The DNS server IP addresses can be used if a valid DNS server has been located.